We are help to help resolve any problem you might have. We are registered with the Financial Conduct Authority No 306946 and you can check our registration details here.

Help us get it right

We continually work to get things right. However, in the unlikely event that the service we provide does not meet the standards you expect, you have the right to complain. Our Customer Complaints Charter is available to view here.


We have a detailed complaints handling process in accordance with FCA rules, but if your complaint is not reportable under FCA rules, we would still like you to contact us so we can try to resolve the problem.


Post your complaint to:

Sutton Specialist Risks Ltd

Bull Wharf

Redcliff Street

Bristol BS1 6QR


Or contact us on:

T: 0117 9300 100
E: info@ssr.co.uk


We are registered with the FCA (Financial Conduct Authority) - No 306946.
You can check our registration details here: FCA


Eligible Complainants

Eligible Complainants also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Financial Ombudsman Service. FOS rules state that you must give us the opportunity to resolve the complaint and the FOS will not deal with your complaint until we have sent you a final response letter (unless we have not responded to your complaint with a decision within 40 days)
The definition of Eligible Complainants can be found in the FCA Handbook.

FCA Handbook

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We always value suggestions from our Brokers on how we can improve our website and services, or policies and the industries we cover.

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